Wellness Grain Free Natural Salmon Morsels Dinner Wet Canned Cat Food


Wellness Grain Free Natural Cubed Salmon Wet Canned Cat Food is an incredible recipe with cubed pieces of salmon surrounded in gravy that will entice your fish loving cat more than ever. The omegas from this recipe will have your cat’s skin moisturized and coat so shiny and soft you won’t believe they are the same cat, and they will feel great too! With all the fish gravy, the spinach and peas will be hidden by the delicious flavor of the gravy so they will be eating something that not only tastes great but is great for their health as well!

Why We Love It:

  • Protein-rich, grain-free salmon based recipe that includes superfoods such as peas, spinach, and cranberries to aid in urinary tract health and give natural antioxidants
  • No by-products, fillers, soy, corn, artificial preservatives, colors or flavors.
  • Made in the USA

About Wellness

What our pets eat feeds the soul and protects the body. That's why Wellness takes carefully selected, authentic ingredients from trusted sources to create an ideal nutritional balance with lean, healthy proteins, probiotics, omega fatty acids, fresh fruits and veggie antioxidants, and vitamins and nutrients. With over 200 varieties of foods with high quality proteins like salmon, beef, rabbit, and duck, in grain-free limited ingredient, dry and wet formulas, Wellness can offer every dog and cat something special and perfect just for them. Using only whole foods, with no wheat, corn, soy, preservatives, artificial colors and flavors, or empty calories, Wellness is the face of a new generation in pet food.


Salmon, Fish Broth, Water Sufficient For Processing, Dried Egg Whites, Dried Ground Peas, Natural Flavor, Dried Egg Product, Guar Gum, Spinach, Sodium Phosphate, Salt, Ground Flaxseed, Potassium Chloride, Choline Chloride, Cranberries, Minerals (Iron Amino Acid Chelate, Zinc Amino Acid Chelate, Copper Amino Acid Chelate, Manganese Amino Acid Chelate, Sodium Selenite, Potassium Iodide), Calcium Carbonate, Vitamins (Thiamine Mononitrate, Vitamin E Supplement, Niacin, d-Calcium Pantothenate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Riboflavin Supplement, Vitamin A Supplement, Biotin, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Folic Acid), Taurine.

Guaranteed Analysis

Nutrient Guaranteed Units
Crude Protein 8.0% min
Crude Fat 4.0% min
Crude Fiber 1.0% max
Moisture 82.00% max
Ash 2.80% max
Magnesium .025% min
Taurine .05% min